- Catalog of North American Native Authors
- Some books, some links... 11/16/99
- Mythology & Theology Books
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
Dr. John Anderson writes books on the mythology, religion, and ethnohistory of the Indians of the western United States and Canada - Paper Ships...Native American / Indigenous Cultures
- Paper Ships...Native American / Indigenous Cultures
- Native American Spirituality & Transformation
- Books - Native American Spirituality & Transformation 11/1/99
- Northland Publishing
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
- Books on Native American Arts, Crafts, and Culture 11/11/99
- Who Would Unbraid Her Hair
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
ALL PEOPLE ARE ONE. antoinette nora claypoole, author 11/17/99
- First Nations/First Peoples Bookstore Index
- First Nations/First Peoples Bookstore Index 11/17/99
- Red Earth, White Lies, by Vine Deloria, Jr
- Red Earth, White Lies Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact by Vine Deloria, Jr. A compendium of Indian oral tradition and their challenge to science. 11/19/99
- Warriors of the Rainbow
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
Lelanie Fuller Stone "The Cherokee Lady"
- "Potawatomi Tracks" by Larry Mitchell
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
Potawatomi Tracks is an 152 page poetic chronicle (sorta like Dante's "The Inferno"!) that covers my combat tour of duty in Vietnam and the thirty years of PTSD, drug use, homelessness, alcoholism, and racism that followed upon my return to the world.
- "Red Thunder" by David Matheson
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
RED THUNDER is an engrossing saga spanning several generations of a Schitsuumsh family, starting in the early 1700s, before the tribes widespread contact with European settlers.
- "Where Eagles Soar" by Otis Ritch
- I am a wild Choctaw Indian from the Mudlark bottoms in Stigler Oklahoma. As a child I grew up in the desert Southwest, in and around Casa Grande Arizona. I spent many happy hours roaming the desert and mountains learning about the animal and plant life there and why there are sea shells on the tops of the mountains.
This page Last updated: Tuesday, February 8, 2005