- American Indian Rights and Related Sites
- American Indian Movement and Other Links 10/20/99
- A Few Native American Sites for Students and Teachers
- There is a significant amount of information on the Internet about Native American Studies. Also, it is a highly charged area of study for many students. However, there is so much information that it can be very frustrating for both students and teachers
- Below is a sampling of various sites and web pages that provide information about the many Native American tribes that walk these lands and their ancestors. From the links provided you will find many more links and places to go. 11/1/99
- Native American History Resources
- Links 11/1/99
- Pacific Northwest Native Tribes Web Sites
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
Pacific Northwest Native Tribes - Native Americans
- Native Americans Alphabetical List of Links by Subject 11/1/99
- The People's Paths
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
Interesting Native Amrican links - NativeTech: Internet Links to Native American Art Resources
- New Mexico: Native American sites
- From traditional arts and crafts to Native American-owned businesses, these sites offer a good overview of tribal activities in the state. 11/11/99
- Index of Native American Resources on the Internet - WWWVL American Indians
- Native American Spiritualities
- Native American Spiritualities General Directories and Indexes of Sites 11/1/99
- Bill's Aboriginal Links: Canada and US
- This will take you to the US Links section 11/19/99
- Native American, Links
- Links
- "the People's Paths home page!" North American Indian & Indigenous People!
- Concerning North American IndiansAnd Indigenous People!
- NAPE Aboriginal Links - An Indigenous Peoples Web Directory
- An Indigenous Peoples web directory listing many of the fine Native, Aboriginal and Indigenous sites found on the world wide web. Features include site searching, detailed categorized listings and and is updated daily!
- Welcome to SPIRITWINDZ - Skye's Home Page
- - [BAD LINK - 02/08/05]
This web site is dedicated to the celebration of the Native American people.
- Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & Lifeways
- CThe Ziibiwing Center is the Midwest's premier Native American museum, dedicated to sharing the rich culture and history of the Great Lakes Anishinabek. It features a permanent and changing exhibit, guided tours, research center, gift shop, cafe, meeting rooms, workshops, lectures, and many special events.
This page Last updated: Wednesday, February 9, 2005