This page Last updated: Saturday, October 16, 1999
- ArtNatAm - Native American Art Exhibit
- ArtNatAm Native American artists fine art exhibit with a message!
Native American Art
- Artists: J.D. Challenger, Julie Kramer-Cole, Richard Luce, Maija, Frank McCarthy, Chuck Ren, Howard Terpning.
- Prairie Homestead's Sioux Indian Art
- This web site contains art work that is an accumulation of products gathered over a lifetime of retail sales near the Sioux
Indian Reservations in South Dakota. We carry a wide variety of authentic Sioux Indian art including original oil paintings, limited edition prints, alpaca rugs, bronze sculptures, buffalo heads and hides, and colorful Indian clothing.
- Mesa Verde Pottery, Cortez, Colorado
- Provides high-quality, handmade Native American pottery. Crafted by Navajo and Ute artisans.
- Sleeping Indian Traditions
- A collection of Native American arts and crafts. Autumn-Wolf Originals and Limited Edition
- A small, home-based company, dedicated to finding and offering you the finest selection of Original Native American Art coming out of the Indian Country.
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- Clear Light Books
- Native American titles.
Native American Authors Project
- Moses Big Crow writes of Lakota Sioux traditions and stories passed down from his ancestors of the Crazy Horse Clan.
- Catalog of North American Native Authors
- Several books by Native American authors, searchable by topic, tribe, author, title, or map.
Native American Fiction
- Fiction by and about Native Americans in the MTSU Library.
Native American Literature
Northland Publishing
- Native American books.
Paper Ships...Native American / Indigenous Cultures
Native American Spirituality & Transformation
- Four Corners New Age Native American Books.
Visible Ink Spring/Summer 1998 Online: Native American
Native American Books
Most books here are by and for Native people, especially educators and students of any age.
Mythology & Theology Books
Native American emphasis.
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- American Indian Cultural Support (AICS)
- The American Indian Cultural Support organization is dedicated to preserving our various Nations sovereignty, legal rights, lands, and cultures.
- Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains -
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
- Notice of Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in the Control of Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, National Park Service, Silver City, NM.
Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains-Tonto National Forest
- Notice of Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in the Control of Tonto National Forest.
Kentucky American Indian Festivals
- Native American Indian Festivals/PowWows are tentatively scheduled in the state of Kentucky.
Native American Culture and Spirituality Links
- The Library of Wisdom, directory of Native American culture and spirituality websites.
Native American Culture, Events, and History in Southern Ohio
Current Project.
Native American Languages
- Native American language sites.
Native American Populations
- Part of the Florida Geographic Alliance's collection of lesson plans.
Native American Township
- In 1971 George W. Adams came forward with a dream that he has held for Native Americans since visualizing the concept for this well designed community in the mid 1960's.
Pima Community College Libraries: Native American Studies
- Maintained by: M. Stout, PCC Library Technical Services
Repatriate: Cultural Item in the Possession of the Desert Caballeros Western.
- History of the Cherokee
- - "The History of the Cherokee" website is a tribute to the strength and determination of our people to survive centuries of trials and oppression. All text on this site was written by Ken Martin unless otherwise noted.
- Native American Network
- - Meeting place for all the nations to talk with each other.
- Federally Recognized Indian Tribes
- - This is a listing of indian tribal entities within the states that are recognized by the government.
- Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
- - Discussion on Native Americans and how their culture is being used now by other Americans -- interesting discussion.
- Powhatan Ranape Nation
- - Information on this group of Native Americans - very complete.
- Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribe
- - Information on this group of Native Americans.
- Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Tribe
- - General information on this tribe, Dakota culture, educational opportunitie and historical sites.
- Guide to Native Nations
- - Location, history. language, daily life and best known features of the following tribes:
- Anasazi, Cherokee, Chinook, Choctaw, Delaware, Illinois, Inupiaf, Iroquois, Kiowa, Navajo, Ojibwe, Pueblo, Seminole, & Sioux.
- Rosebud Sioux Tribe
- - Information on this group of Native Americans.
- The Oglala Sioux
- - Brief information on this group of Native Americans and the story of their flag.
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- - Information on this group of Native Americans.
- The Hopi Way
- - Messages, prophecies, spiritual growth, message boards, & other interests of the Hopi Tribe.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- - The Acoma, Cochiti , Isleta , Jemez , Laguna , Nambe , Picuris , Pojoaque , Sandia , San Felipe , San Ildefonso , San Juan , Santa Ana , Santa Clara , Santo Domingo , Taos, Tesuque , Zia , Zuni Pueblos.
Native American Festivals
- - in Kentucky.
The People's Paths
- North American Indian & Indigenous People - calls to world peace by Native Americans.
Anthropology & Archaeology
- Culture & Native American sites.
- The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Wasco and Paiute Native American Tribes
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- Indian World
- a nonprofit Michigan corporation which seeks to develop a comprehensive approach to the enhancement and protection of North American indigenous culture. The purpose for which Indian World has been established is to develop a North American Indian Culture, Resource and Trade Center.
- The Native American Business Alliance
- This organization has two basic missions:
1) To facilitate mutually beneficial relationships between private and public businesses with Native American owned companies.
2) To educate the communities on Native American culture, paving the way for future generations.
- First Nations Development Institut
- We are a Native American nonprofit of 18 years' standing. Our primary mission is to promote culturally appropriate economic development by and for Native peoples; to this end we serve as an educator, advocate, researcher, funder, fund raiser, and purveyor of information, resources and ideas.
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- B. I. A. Educational Native American Network
- NAN is housed in the University of New Mexico College of Education. The ENAN offices are physically located in the basement of the Student Services Center, which is on the Eastern end of the UNM main campus. Our office is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm weekdays.
- We are a tribal school operated by the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, dedicated to serve the educational needs of all Native Americans in our area.
Native American Graduate Fellowships
- Native American Graduate Fellowships in Resource Management at Central Washington University
Native American Resources
- Native American/Alaskan/Hawaiian K12 computer and internet innovations.
NativeTech: Internet Links to Native American Resources
- NativeTech: Native American Technology & Art Internet Links to Native American Art Resources
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
- Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute.
Office of Indian Education Programs
- This web site is provided to give an overview of the purpose, programs, and activities of the OIEP. "Indian Education: Best in America" is our theme that is inherent in our mission statement and in the forefront of all our educational pursuits.
American Indian College Fund
- There are 30 tribal colleges--all founded by Indians to fight high rates of poverty, educational failure and cultural loss. These colleges created the non-profit American Indian College Fund to raise desperately-needed scholarship, endowment and operating monies.
- American Indian teachers, students, parents and community members can easily access appropriate mathematics and science curriculum materials and models. The goal of AISTEC is to increase the number of American Indian students earning university degrees in mathematics, engineering and the sciences.
Wisdom Keepers, Inc.
- Their purpose is to learn, therefore preserve and perpetuate the traditions, values, and skills of the native people of the world, and to pass that wisdom on to others.
Indian Teacher and Educational Personnel Program
- It's primary mission is the training of American Indian and Alaskan Native professional educators and ancillary educational personnel.
Native American Student Association
- An organization that provides an opportunity for Native American Students to participate in culturally relevant activities that foster a closer union and perpetuate
individual tribal traditions and customs.
Stanford American Indian Organization
- An organization of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians at Stanford that addresses the social, political, educational, and cultural issues of the community.
Community Education Services - Native American References
Pima Community College Libraries
- Native American Studies
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- EPA Region 9 Air Programs
- EPA Region 9 Air Programs page.
Native Americans and the environment
- Dedicated to promoting education and research on environmental issues facing Native American and First Nations communities.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD)
- Program: permit review procedures for sources that may adversely affect air quality in Non-Federal Class I Areas; proposed rule.
Redesignation of the Yavapai-Apache Reservation
- Redesignation of the Yavapai-Apache Reservation to a PSD Class I Area; State of Arizona; Dispute Resolution.
Welcome to the EPA Region 9 Air Programs
- Current and recent air quality actions: ARIZONA.
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- Native-American Studies
- www.filmakers.com
- Native-American Movies and Native American Heritage Videos
- Just what it says.
- Reviews of Native American Film Producers
- - Just what it says.
- VisionMaker
- - The nation's largest collection of authentic Native American videos.
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- Grey Owl Foods
-"The World's Finest Wild Rice Products" - an Indian owned company.
American Indian Tea Co.
-Is Indian owned and upholds a history filled with herbal knowledge.
Native Recipes
-Native cookbooks, wild rice, corn, hominy, fish, bird and many other recipes.
Native Way Cookbook
-The book of the grandmothers. A complete listing of traditional and contemporary recipes.
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- Casinos: Is Gaming the 'New Buffalo'?
- An in-depth discussion on casinos.
- An Interview with Anthony Pico, Chairman, Viejas Indian
- Discussions on how Native Americans have come to be involved in casinos and how this impacts their society.
- American Indian Gambling and Casino Information Center
sponsored by: The National Indian Gaming Association
- California Natives Indian Gaming Association
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- Native American Ancestry
- Indian Heritage & Genealogy - American Indian Research - Native American Ancestry - Indian Heritage & Genealogy - American Indian Research</title><title>Native American Ancestry - Indian Heritage - Indian Genealogy
Native American Genealogy
- American Indian Research - We specialize in Native American research and proving Native American ancestry, American Indian genealogy or American Indian heritage for Bureau of Indian Affairs "BIA" benefits such as Minority Status, Low Interest Business Loans & Educational Grants.
- Cheyenne Genealogy
- You can trace your roots here. Also find out more about Cheyenne history, culture, government and more.
- Enrollment and Census Populations of Arizona Indian Reservations
- 1995-1996 Tribal directory of the 21 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes of Arizona published by the Arizona commission of Indian Affairs.
American Indian and Alaskan Native Census Information Center
- This site will soon be linked to a number of reports with census data for and about American Indians and Alaskan Natives.
Cherokee Genealogy
- Selected resource list.
Cherokee Genealogy Page
- Starting point for those tracing their Cherokee roots.
Indian Captives of Early American Pioneers
- Family ancestor's stories of Indian captivity; indexed by surname.
Native American Census Indexes
- From various parts of the country.
Native American Genealogy - Osiyo
- Comprehensive site offers links, help, news, and much more.
Native American Indian Genealogy Webring
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- Code Talk - Govt. Info on Housing
- A federal interagency website managed by Native Americans at the Department of Housing and Urban Development's
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- Native American Backgrounds
- Some graphics with a Native American flavor.
RT Computer Graphics
- Clip art for Windows or Macintosh featuring Native American, western & petroglyph designs.
Destiny's Native American Avatar's
- Some great Native American graphics.
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Traditional Food, Health and Nutrition
- Traditional native diets in those few places in the world where people still mostly eat what they raise, hunt, gather, fish -- have been found to promote health and long life, for reasons only gradually coming to be understood.
Woman's Lodge
- A Native American Medicine Woman's Lodge
Association of American Indian Physicians
- Just as there are many tribes with unique cultures, there are many approaches to traditional medicine. AAIP does not endorse any single method but recognizes the diversity that exists and supports the rights of the tribes to continue the traditions that have been passed down through
many generations.
Native American Research and Training Center
- Established in 1983 by The University of Arizona Board of Regents and serves as a national resource for Native American
communities and for persons working with Native American populations, especially those with chronic diseases or disabilities.
Healthy Nations Circle of Strength Program
- A multi-agency collaborative organization dedicated to promoting individual, family, and community healing and wellness.
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- Association on American Indian Affairs
- Association on American Indian Affairs, folder list by state.
Native American Issue
- Uinta Band of the Northern Ute Nation, Uinta (Shoshone word) meaning High Mountain People.
Oneida Indian Nation
- Oneida Nation Homelands current project.
Alliance for Native American Indian Rights
- The Alliance for Native American Indian Rights, based in Nashville, Tennessee, is a non-profit, intertribal organization dedicated to preserving and protecting Native American burial grounds and other culturally significant places.
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- Family Index: Na-Dene
- Part of the Ethnologue Language Family. Index
Native American Language Resources
- Languages listed alphabetically.
32nd International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages
Blackfoot Language
Cherokee Alphabet and Pronunciation Guide
Customized Computer Software
- Teaches Native American/American Indian languages by the use of sound files.
Endangered Native American Languages
Taino Language
Vernacular Language Program
- Linguistic and cultural heritage of the Tsachila (Colorados) of coastal Ecuador.
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- Guide to the Iroquois Native American Peoples
- File Includes Information on the following six Iroquoian Native North American Tribes: Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas, and Tuscaroas, as well as the Brothertowns, Munsees, St. Regis & Stockbridge Indians in New York State.
Indian Tribal Codes: A Microfiche Collection (1981)
- Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library Research Studies.
New England School of Law: Native American
- Indian Law - Research Links on the World Wide Web: Native American & Aboriginal Law.
Research Links on the World Wide Web:
- Native American & Aboriginal Law.
The Legal Pad
- Native American Law Links.
Native American Rights Fund
- This fund provides the necessary legal representation to Native American tribes and villages, organizations and individuals to help untangle the maze of laws impacting their lives.
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- News From Native California
- "News from Native California"
- Circle Native American News and Arts
- A monthly newspaper covering Native American issues.
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- Ecuadorian Quechuan Otavalo hand made goods
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- Native American Resources at the Smithsonian
- the Smithsonian
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- Native American Music
- A small collection.
Music Paper Ships
- Native American music & songs.
Triloka's Native American Music
- Triloka's Artist's.
Sound of America Records Distributors (SOAR)
- Contemporary and traditional Native American music, Native American owned and operated, Indian.
Smithsonian Folkways
- More than 2000 recordings (including Native American music) in the collections and has released over 180 reissues and new titles on CD.
- A music company inspired by ancient traditions. The music is influenced by Native American culture; both traditional and contemporary.
Indian House
- A 30-year old record company specializing in traditional American Indian music.
Amon Olorin Flutes
- Fine Native flutes.
The Oregon Flute Store
- Native American style flutes, protective cases, accessories, books and music.
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The Seneca Nation of Indians
- The Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI) is one of the six tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy who occupy aboriginal lands in New York State set aside by the Treaty of Canandaigua of 1794.
Yavapai Apache Tribe
- Camp Verde Reservation.
Camp Verde Yavapai Apache Indians in Arizona
- CArizona BOOKSHOP.
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation
- A Brief History of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation.
Oneida Indian Nation
- Complete history, current events, resources of this tribe.
Catawba Nation
- History, pottery, events, military info and much more on this tribe of Native Americans.
Chickasaw Nation
- Official Site of this nation, your primary source of information, history, and current government,
events and programs.
Potawatomi Nation
History, current issues, arts,complete information on this tribe.
Pomo People
Brief history & Native American art.
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas
Background on this tribe.
Iroquois Legacy
Iroquois history and more.
Chicora Indian People
History of the Chicora tribe.
Great Lakes Intertribal Council
Home page of Native American tribes in Wisconsin.
Chitimacha Tribe
History, way of life, tribal news and more.
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
History, programs and the like.
Mohave Indians
The Mohave Indians in California & Arizona
Comance history.
Comanche Tribe
Another site dedicated to the Comanche Tribe.
Oregon's Federally Recognized Tribes
Listing of Federally Recognized Tribes in Oregon and links to their sites.
Native American Tribes of the Colorado Plateau
Listing of these tribes and links to their sites.
Non-Sanctioned Tribal Homepages
Links to Native American tribal sites.
Native American Connection
Location of Native American tribes in and around the Grand Canyon. This is primarily tourist information. There is some history on the tribes and links to their sites (if they have sites).
Tribes of The Olympics
Makah, Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Quileute, Quinault, Skokomish, Squaxin, Elwha Kallam, Port Gamble S'Klallam, and their treaties.
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
History of this tribe and more.
Washington State Indian tribes
Addresses, phone & fax numbers, and links.
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Tribal history, culture and more.
The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Historical & socioeconmic background.
Kickapoo Tribe
History by Dick Shovel, A great site!
The Navajo Past
Just what it says.
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- ALL US TRIBES: Main Access Mapindex
- Tribes-by-States Map Index
Arizona Tribal Links
- A myriad of various Native American
NativeWeb - an Internet Community
- Welcome to NativeWeb, a collective project of many people.
United States Tribal Addresses
Native American Business Alliance - is -Committed to Native owned businesses. Current Project.
- Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
- Just what it says.
Falcon Wings, LLC
- Is dedicated to providing professional employment services to Native Americans, Indigenous People and minority candidates throughout the United States.
Noah's News
American Indian News & Resource Center.
Char-Koosta News
The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation
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- Native American Prophecies
- Cherokee, Chippewa, Hopi, Lakota, Mohawk, Onodaga prophecies.
Native American Spiritualities
Four Corners New Age
- Native American Books
Hopi Traditional Elder, Thomas Banyacya
Thomas Banyacya's teachings.
The Long Walk
A traditional Navajo story.
The Wisdomkeepers
Join us on a journey to the Wisdomkeepers, the
Spiritual Elders of Native America, the authentic indigenous voices of the Earth.
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New Mexico: Native American sites
- New Mexico - From traditional arts and crafts to Native American-owned businesses, these sites offer a good overview of tribal activities in the state.
The Reclamation of A Native Tribe
- Chicora Tribe history - South Carolina.
Native American Culture, Events, and History in Southern Ohio
- Southern Ohio's land of hidden history.
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